Knowledge is Power!

PremiereTex is an e-learning tool designed specifically for anyone with an interest in Textiles and  all people who come in contact with product development. Whether on the sales floor or back office, everyone needs a bit of knowledge about the fabric that goes into products from sheets and towels to jeans and t-shirts.

Why did my tshirt shrink in the wash? Why is my sweater getting little balls of lint on it? Why do my jeans smell like rotten eggs? Why is the color of my pants rubbing off on my sofa? What makes this shirt more expensive than this one? These are just a few of the common questions that consumers have about products they purchase every day.

PremiereTex is a base level resource that describes each phase of textile creation from fiber to finish. It is set up in chapter form and can be taken as a Textile course reading each chapter in sequence. It is also fully searchable and can be used as a reference tool to look up terms and definitions on a continuous basis.